Instagram @fiatclubvic

The Fiat Owners Club began in 1957 when around 40 people responded to an invitation from Fiat dealers, Devon Motors, to meet to discuss the formation of a club with the aim" to help and advance Fiat owners and ownership in Victoria" and "to foster better acquaintance and social spirit between owners of Fiats in Victoria" More than sixty years on the Fiat Car Club of Victoria, as it was to become known, has certainly done all of the above and much more. The club is the oldest Italian marque club in Victoria and the second oldest in Australia and is the biggest Fiat Club in Australia at present.

The Fiat Owners Club began in 1957 when around 40 people responded to an invitation from Fiat dealers, Devon motors, to meet to discuss the formation of a club with the aim..." to help and advance Fiat owners and ownership in Victoria" and .. "to foster better acquaintance and social spirit between owners of Fiats in Victoria" More than sixty years on, the Fiat Car Club of Victoria, as it became known, has certainly done all of the above and much more. Our club is the oldest Italianmarque club in Victoria and the second oldest Fiat Club in Australia and is the biggest Fiat Club in Australian at present

The Fiat Owners Club began in 1957 when around 40 people responded to an invitation from Fiat dealers, Devon Motors, to meet to discuss the formation of a club with the aim" to help and advance Fiat owners and ownership in Victoria" and "to foster better acquaintance and social spirit between owners of Fiats in Victoria" More than sixty years on the Fiat Car Club of Victoria, as it was to become known, has certainly done all of the above and much more. The club is the oldest Italian marque club in Victoria and the second oldest in Australia and is the biggest Fiat Club in Australia at present.

The Fiat Owners Club began in 1957 when around 40 people responded to an invitation from Fiat dealers, Devon motors, to meet to discuss the formation of a club with the aim..." to help and advance Fiat owners and ownership in Victoria" and .. "to foster better acquaintance and social spirit between owners of Fiats in Victoria"

More than sixty years on, the Fiat Car Club of Victoria, as it became known, has certainly done all of the above and much more. Our club is the oldest Italianmarque club in Victoria and the second oldest Fiat Club in Australia and is the biggest Fiat Club in Australian at present

With a membership of around 500 each year, our club provides opportunities for Fiat owners to meet monthly, to compete in motorsport, to display our wide range of Fiats dating from 1910 to the current models and to join together for a wide rangeof social activities. Our club provides plenty of opportunities to seek and share advice and the means to keep up to date with what is happening in the Fiat "family”.

Our bi-monthly FIATmonth magazine and weekly Mailchimp emails inform members of coming events, cars and parts for sale and wanted and other news. The FCCVFacebook site and our website are all ways in which club members

are kept informed of what is happening and can contribute to club news and comment on events. Membership in the Fiat Car Club of Victoria also enables members to have their cars on Club Permit Registration, enabling a wider usage of their classic cars.

The Committee of the Fiat Car Club of Victoria works tirelessly to provide members with every opportunity to enjoy their Fiat and to be part of the Fiat Community.

Fiat owners and lovers are invited to join us at General Meetings, our monthly Caffe di Sabato coffee mornings, and the many events of all kinds that the club is involved in each month.

Our monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday at the Veneto Club, Bulleenat 8.00pm. A table is booked in the Bistro for anyone who would like to join us for dinner prior to the meeting, from 6.30 pm

Use our website to access information about our club, check our calendar for Coming Events for the next few months, view the current and recent FIATmonth magazine, enjoy photos of past events and access membership forms and other relevant information, and contact details for our Club Secretary and Membership and Club Permit Secretary.

We look forward to welcoming you to an event where you can share our collective love of all things Fiat.

Lyn Bartold….

Hosted by the X1/9 Australia network - Copyright 2025